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Greetings to all my foodie friends out there.  WOW, is all I have to say about the cooking class I did last week.  You see we do not just do any kind of cooking class here at The Laughing Pear Group.  Oh no, way more than that.  I must say when I went to culinary […]

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Greetings to all my foodie friends out there.  WOW, is all I have to say about the cooking class I did last week.  You see we do not just do any kind of cooking class here at The Laughing Pear Group.  Oh no, way more than that.  I must say when I went to culinary school we watched a lot of Julia Child’s.  Oh please do not get me wrong; I think is the Queen of cooking, as a Escoffier is.  But when we watched her on TV I have to say it was very boring.  “How to learn the art of trussing chicken or ducks”.  No fun watching Chef Julia at all.  A bore.  I always said if one day I get to teach a cooking class I will do it exactly opposite of her.  You see here at The Laughing Pear we offer something called a “Team build” exercise.  Corporate people love it because it is a real fun thing to do in order to have your team learn together while having fun.  It is like when some people sign up for those classes where you learn how to climb with ropes and the whole nine yards.  The idea is great.  It does teach you how to rely on your team so you do not fall and kill yourself.  But at the end of the class what do you do?  You go home.  Well with our team builds you rely on the other person and team to have your food ready in time, etc.  When it comes to food, people do get crazy.  Have you ever seen your spouse or another family member get real hungry and they just turn into the meanest people in the world, and they would do anything just to get their hands on a little PB and J.    Well, as the Chef Dave way,  I am getting off the subject here as I normally do.

So  I have a class of 4 guests who want to do a team build.  Remember I once mentioned in most of my cooking classes I offer some kind of lunch or dinner.  That day we did a three course dinner.  Well, needless to say, I was thinking, how am I gonna have a team build with such a small group?   Well let me tell you something, it was the best team build and cooking demo I ever had.  I had so much fun and my guests were absolutely the coolest in the world.  When I told them that they were the best I ever had as a class, of course they said, “No way, you say that to all your classes”.  And I was like, no I don’t.  I really mean it.

What makes a class so good for a Chef when teaching?  That is a great conversation topic if you ask me!  I would really love to hear from any Chef out there concerning my prior statement.  I forgot to mention, this class of four guests were also the brightest guests I ever had.  We did a chicken dish and I thought I would bring in whole chickens so they could learn how to cut the breast off the bone, etc.  I think they did it better then me!

Anyway, Chef or no Chef tell me what you think; what makes a cooking demo so good and why?  Who ever has the best answer will be in the drawing for a complimentary 3 course dinner for two…..The Laughing Pear Style.  Bon Apetit to all and remember to eat healthy and enjoy the company that surrounds you!

Flavors that explode with abundance

A Divinity of Flavors

Chicken with Napoleon 10.23 (2)

Chicken with Napoleon 10.23 (2)


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